April 26, 2009

aNd I saY, hEy Hey heY Hey~!!

wowwie! a flash from the past..huhu..
i cant remember much bout my early 90's, but i do remember this being one of the first few english songs i liked..
i used to go to school, very early in the mornin, n to hear this song playing on the radio, it made my day!

i didnt memorize the lyrics much, all i knew was this:
And I say, hey hey hey hey, I said hey, what's going on?"

neway, me n my friend nik syafiq tried to find this song for ages! n finally found it, i wanna share it, n show jez how this song brought the "grOoVineSs" into my life!

me likey like it! haha..enjoy!


Muhammad Edwan Shaharir said...

oih aku tak tau pun kau ada blog. cis! linked!

Razana Adam Lee said...

aku pun
link jugak

Y A Z I R A said...

hey i found ur blog, but, takde update..?

and omg! i used to listen to that song too! pagi2 dalam kereta on the way to school. damn i miss those days. when nothing really matters.

iudzuri said...

hey hey yazira~

yup, when nothing really matters is wut really matters ryte? hehe..

sorry for no updates..been bz with community service..no internet there..hehe